Collection of Viruses and Cell Cultures

The Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza Laboratory of Evolutionary Variability of Influenza Viruses maintains a vast Collection of Influenza and ARI Viruses of both human and avian origin. The total amount of stored items exceeds 15.000. Collection products are available to all interested parties engaged in relevant researrch and activities.

Collection of Influenza and ARI Viruses

Collection of human influenza viruses contains around 3.000 strains isolated since 1934 up to the present day, including epidemic influenza isolates of the former USSR and Russia, and reference strains obtained from all over the world. Bank of animal influenza viruses comprises around 90 strains.

Influenza virus strains collection timeline

ARI section of the Collection contains nearly 3.500 items of adeno-, corona-, herpes-, RS-, and parainfluenza viruses. All viruses are preserved in a lyophilized state in sealed ampoules at +5°C. Every year, approximately 150 to 200 new representative strains of the ongoing epidemic season are added into the Collection.

Collection of Cell Cultures

Human and Animal Cell Lines Collection for Virology Research at the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza was established in 1967, the year of Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza foundation. This collection, maintained by Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza Laboratory of Cell Cultures, is part of the Russian Collection of Cell Cultures (RCCC) and European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC). In recent years, the collection was significantly reorganized and updated with novel cell lines, provided by CDC (Atlanta, USA), RAS Institute of Cytology, Ivanovsky Virology Institute, as well as with diploid cell lines, obtained by Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza laboratory specialists. The collected cell lines are free from contamination agents (exogenic viruses, mycoplasmae and L-form bacteriae) and are cultivated without antibiotics.